
The Perfect Church


Deceit and forgiveness are the heart of this book. It tells the compelling story of five people in a seemingly perfect church when they encountered the power of God. One weekend,…..

Growing Pains


This book talks about the frustration that dog the lives of human beings. There are two stories in the book in which the trauma called life is x-rayed in the laboratory of patience…..



Castrated is a two-part story of people facing challenges in various facets of life. ‘Bottled Glory,’ the first story is the touching tale of Adaora, a single lady who desired to get married

Uncle Bolu


Uncle Bolu’ is an emotional account of a young girl called whose teenage crush on a doting uncle starts off a chain of events that culminate in a bitter-sweet ending when she tried to…..

God has a sense of Humor


In her 158-page book collection of seven short stories, God Has a Sense of Humor, Akpeti throws light into issues on infidelity, loneliness, abuse, home management and balance between…..

Under the Shadow


Released in February 2022, Under the Shadow is a collection of 24 bible characters who are not well known but who did phenomenal things in the bible. Some of them are even…..